-2 Charisma is a pandemic passion project that took on its own life.
Inspired by Twitch shows like Critical Role && Dimension 20, a few friends and I took our weekly online game to the streaming platform. The Neg 2 Crew, as we call ourselves, has now grown to a relatively standard stable of rotating cast playing various game systems.
I play in a lot of these games as well as run the show via OBS. I'll design the show assets with near zero knowledge of the setting. If I try to research, I'll be spoiling the module for myself. It's a unique challenge && a fun creative exercise.
Several years && game systems later, we've amassed quite a bit of content; title sequences, mortises, stingers, you name it. Allow me to share some of my favorites with you.
Inspired by Twitch shows like Critical Role && Dimension 20, a few friends and I took our weekly online game to the streaming platform. The Neg 2 Crew, as we call ourselves, has now grown to a relatively standard stable of rotating cast playing various game systems.
I play in a lot of these games as well as run the show via OBS. I'll design the show assets with near zero knowledge of the setting. If I try to research, I'll be spoiling the module for myself. It's a unique challenge && a fun creative exercise.
Several years && game systems later, we've amassed quite a bit of content; title sequences, mortises, stingers, you name it. Allow me to share some of my favorites with you.
Tomb of Annihilation // Dungeons & Dragons
Plastikugar Live // scum & villiany

A Sinner's Dream // Dungeons & Dragons [ homebrew ]

Curse of Strahd // Dungeons & Dragons

The Grateful Gathering // Dungeons & Dragons